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The most life-changing/ life-affirming products!

"The most life-changing/ life-affirming products! CRUDE has converted me in more than just my skincare routine. I am now an essential oil hobbyist, love mixing my own blends, and have even converted two friends to live CRUDE. I have always been skeptical of commercial products (especially as an advertising/mktg student). What even are all those chemicals on the back of an average moisturizer? It makes me cringe. Since puberty I have struggled with borderline cystic acne. Being young and naive I tried different topical and oral treatments with no luck. I stumbled upon CRUDE in November 2015 and have not looked back since. I am nearly blemish free over 2-years in. My acne is a result of overproduction of oils due to dehydration. With teen temperatures in the winters I really struggle with keeping my skin hydrated and acne free. I use both CLEANSE and BLOOM, along with a straight Rose-hip oil to try an combat the dryness. I have eczema in patches throughout my body and some unfortunate acne along my back and shoulders. Just a week ago, I began combining WASH and a pull cloth and applying BLOOM and rose-hip directly to these areas. I've seen some fading in so far. Fingers crossed."